Student Reading Room

Reading room is attached to the General Library for students. Reading Room opens and closes at the same time when the General Library opens and closes. Besides a separate reading room facility is available for students in the first floor of the Academic Block - A .

1.Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, Rare books, Reference books, Magazines, Journals, Periodicals, News daily can be borrowed for a short time in the Reading Room on the production of identity card.

2.Books and Journals borrowed for use in the Reading Room can not be taken out of and must be returned to the Librarian before it closes or when it is called for by the librarian.

3.A student is not permitted to leave the Reading Room before returning materials borrowed for use in the Reading Room.

4.Reading Room cannot be used as Common Room' or Retiring Room for students.

5.Gossiping and talking with mobile are stictly prohibited in the Reading Room.

6.Students are expected to maintain strict silence in the Reading Room. Since the Reading Room is a part of the general library, the same rules of library are applicable to this.