College Magazine

For the manifestation of original Literary expression and development of creative writing and writing habit the college brings out annually a magazine called "The Arkadyuti" comprising artistic writings of various kinds like short stories, poems, articles and criticisms in different languages from the students as well as the staff. It is the literary mirror of the College, truly giving vent to the literary, intellectual, creative spirit of the College. It skills especially in the young minds of the hidden genius, literary, artistic and gives proper scope for the development of it. The publication of the College Magazine rests on an Editorial Board consisting of some members of the teaching staff and two students representatives nominated by the Principal. A call inviting different writings from the students and staff is given within the middle of the session by the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board reserves the right to publish, select or cancel a piece contributed by Contributor or Subscriber. The Editorial Board always gives preference to those natural writings with respect to time, style and artistic flair. Generally the natural writings with certain artistic style and flair maintaining standard are given preference in selection. The selected or rejected copy is not returned